David Suson
David studies the root causes or keystones for success and achievement in the areas of Leadership, Personal Performance, Sales and Communication. He studied over 3,000 top performers to find what the best performing employees do, what the best leaders do, what the best communicators do, and what the best salespeople do. And more importantly, he discovered the roadblocks that hold people back. His analytical skills come from his degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and his work at IBM, other tech companies, and working with clients in technology, banking, communications, healthcare, manufacturing and distribution and others. He is an expert in leadership, sales and personal development and brings his insights to you to create breakthrough solutions.
David presents over 140 times/year, has spoken to over 200,000 people in 49 states and internationally. He delivers engaging, inspiring and energetic presentations.
You Get What You Look For Abstract: Interacting with other people and approaching new projects and situations can be very challenging, and it can impact the quality of our life. What we focus on we get. If you look for the bad in people or a situation, that is what you find. If you look for the good in people or a situation, you find the good. The funny thing is, not only do you get what you focus on, but begin to become blind to the other things. Meaning, when you focus on the good things in people or situations, you will become more blind to the bad… Thus, you get what you look for, so look for the good. Refocusing is not as easy as just “wanting” to. This session will look at the inhibitors and solutions to making sustainable change. Learning Objectives/Outcomes: Identify the 3 core strategies to reframe your focus. Learn how to create a new habit of looking for the good in a situation. Learn the underlying reasons people truly focus on the negative in people and situations.
Speaker Topic(s): Other
Meeting Type Availability: Virtual, In-Person
Meeting Time Availability: Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Event Notice Needed: 1 Week
Free vs. Paid: Paid
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