We are a warm and generous community focused on helping job seekers find jobs and build their networks with job search tips, job opportunities, and guest speakers. We meet every month at 11 am EST. Registration is required to get the Zoom link. Please contact Mindy Stern, SPHR @ info@aimresourcegroup.com to get the link to join our monthly call. ▶We are an inviting, caring, and accepting community. ▶We build meaningful relationships and honor diversity. ▶We leverage our talents to enhance our community. ▶We support each other through change and disruption.
Meeting Type: Virtual
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Meeting Time:
Membership Fee: No
Meeting Fee: No
Membership Requirements: No
Speaker Topics: Varies
Industry/Industries: All
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13879002/
Facilitator Contact: Mindy Stern