This is a LinkedIn weekly group where job seekers introduce themselves to recruiters. Recruiters post open positions and job seekers post the title, industry and location you are looking for.
If you are #Jobseeker yes, that means all of you #opentowork. Post the title, industry and location you are looking for.
We use hashtag #openpositions to fill and are #hiring please post openings
**Jobseekers, please make sure you are coming back and checking the recruiters comments.
***Please know your value, know how great you are and while I can not possibly know all of your circumstances, no one deserves to settle for anything less than what they are truly worth. Lets become a more equitable society for everyone.
MLM’s of any kind will be deleted from the comments as will any replies to job seekers that request a private message without information regarding the opportunity. This is a safe space and no exceptions will be made.
Speaker: Dan Roth
Meeting Type: Virtual
Meeting Day(s): Tuesday
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Membership Fee: No
Meeting Fee: No
Membership Requirements: No
Speaker Topics: Job Search
Industry/Industries: All
Facilitator Contact: Dan Roth