I know job search is hard, so in addition to my coaching services, I offer Job Search Lunch & Learn sessions every Wednesday at 11am CT. Join us for job search tips, tricks and networking. https://bit.ly/3TxR9YR If you've read this far, here's your reward. If you want to join my network, don't just Follow me,... MORERead More
is a LinkedIn weekly group where job seekers introduce themselves to recruiters. Recruiters post open positions and job seekers post the title, industry and location you are looking for.Read More
PSGCNJ is the nation’s first employment community that helps its unemployed, professional members advance their careers by putting them back into the workforce. PSGCNJ is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.Read More
Empowering older and/or underrepresented job seekers experiencing the trauma of long-term unemployment with action-oriented strategies and supportive networksRead More
The Professional Service Group of Mercer County is a community program providing networking opportunities and enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths.Read More