Diane Darling wrote the definitive book on networking in 2003 called The Networking Survival Guide. It went into a 2nd printing just 90 days after the book hit the shelves. She has appeared on NBC Nightly News, in The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Boston Globe. She is a member of the... MORERead More
The Sussex-Warren Chapter is a vibrant, award winning chapter that serves HR professionals who live and work in Sussex and Warren Counties and surrounding areas. We offer our members relevant Chapter programming, legislative updates, mentorship, transition support, scholarships, community outreach, volunteer opportunities, and the opportunity to network with member colleagues. We advance the profession through... MORERead More
The Legacy Builder Program (founded by www.thewellbeinghacker.com) helps individuals who are ready to transition into a career that is more meaningful and purpose-driven. We help clients who are certain they want to make a career change but just don't know where to start in finding the right opportunities in less than eight weeks.Read More
Listener. Speaker. Author. Entrepreneurs Organization. Award-Winning Company Founder. Let me help make your and your client's events more memorable. That's my chutzpah promise.Read More
The Parsippany Main Library is the location for many day, evening, and virtual programs that are both library and organization sponsored. In addition to community interest programs, the library has many presentations for entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners. Interested parties are encouraged to become familiar with our events calendar as well.Read More
The mission of the Bergen Career Networking Community is to create an opportunity for Metropolitan area professionals in various functions and industries build relationships in support of career development. The goal is to help each other expand our professional corporate contacts, exchange resources and ideas, share relevant insights and perspectives in a changing economy. Due... MORERead More