The Sussex-Warren Chapter is a vibrant, award winning chapter that serves HR professionals who live and work in Sussex and Warren Counties and surrounding areas. We offer our members relevant Chapter programming, legislative updates, mentorship, transition support, scholarships, community outreach, volunteer opportunities, and the opportunity to network with member colleagues. We advance the profession through... MORERead More
The Legacy Builder Program (founded by helps individuals who are ready to transition into a career that is more meaningful and purpose-driven. We help clients who are certain they want to make a career change but just don't know where to start in finding the right opportunities in less than eight weeks.Read More
The Parsippany Main Library is the location for many day, evening, and virtual programs that are both library and organization sponsored. In addition to community interest programs, the library has many presentations for entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners. Interested parties are encouraged to become familiar with our events calendar as well.Read More
Facilitators are typically career counselors, career coaches and trainers who have helped many professionals in career transition. Most JS101 job search trainers have decades of experience in the field and have worked extensively with the unemployed.Read More
is a LinkedIn weekly group where job seekers introduce themselves to recruiters. Recruiters post open positions and job seekers post the title, industry and location you are looking for.Read More
ATD NNJ (Association for Talent Development in Northern NJ) Career Transition has been created to provide a professional forum for members seeking new career opportunities in Training and Development, Organizational Development, and related disciplines. Meeting are held virtually, second Thursday of every other month. Invitations are sent out when a meeting is scheduled.Read More
Our mission is to foster the growth and profitability of our members via a variety of dynamic networking events, educational seminars, cost-saving programs, legislative advocacy, and member-to-member collaborative opportunities.Read More
CPENG is a membership based nonprofit organization that provides a forum for members to develop professional relationships and to provide support for business development and professional career transitions through networking, training, volunteer experience and support groups. The culture is friendly and welcoming, and we offer monthly meetings at multiple locations. This specific listing is for... MORERead More