1-hour, virtual "office hours" every Friday from 10-11am ET to help you use LinkedIn to support your job search. Get answers to your LinkedIn questions!Read More
We are a warm and generous community focused on helping job seekers find jobs and build their networks with job search tips, job opportunities, and guest speakers.Read More
f you are unemployed, underemployed, changing careers, returning to the workplace, or just starting your career, Career Network Ministry -CNM is the place for you! Full Description: As one of the largest job search ministries on the East Coast, we have helped thousands of job seekers land their next career opportunity, and we can help... MORERead More
The Parsippany Main Library is the location for many day, evening, and virtual programs that are both library and organization sponsored. In addition to community interest programs, the library has many presentations for entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners. Interested parties are encouraged to become familiar with our events calendar as well.Read More
Facilitators are typically career counselors, career coaches and trainers who have helped many professionals in career transition. Most JS101 job search trainers have decades of experience in the field and have worked extensively with the unemployed.Read More
The mission of the Bergen Career Networking Community is to create an opportunity for Metropolitan area professionals in various functions and industries build relationships in support of career development. The goal is to help each other expand our professional corporate contacts, exchange resources and ideas, share relevant insights and perspectives in a changing economy. Due... MORERead More
Linda Trignano, a former corporate recruiter with AT&T, offers career coaching to individuals in transition as well as those looking to increase their career opportunities within their current positions.Read More