Using LinkedIn when in job search

Using LinkedIn when in job search

1. If you’ve lost your job, make sure your LinkedIn profile tells your story – how your skills and background separate you from everyone else
2. Ask for help and advice from others – people here are very giving.
3. Be very specific when personalizing a connection request, without saying I need a job. Refer to a potential connection’s last post or comment, or something on their profile.
4. Be respectful. Always ask yourself if what you’re posting shows you in your best light. A post doesn’t have to be about job search, networking or business. You have the opportunity to shine a light into a bit more about yourself.
5. Along with 15-year LinkedIn journey I’ve made many networking friends for life. Sadly, I’ve also encountered some people who I’ve blocked and reported.
6. If you don’t agree with a post or having nothing of value to add to it, move on. LinkedIn isn’t Xanadu but it’s pretty darn close for networking – warts and all.