You’ve probably heard the term ‘hidden job market’ But what does that mean?

You’ve probably heard the term ‘hidden job market’ But what does that mean?

💼 – Jobs you don’t know about but are available – you find them by letting everyone in your network know what you’re looking for

💼 – Jobs that haven’t been posted yet but will be – many times someone inside a company or a recruiter knows of a job that just needs internal approval

💼 – Jobs that are never posted – a company can’t afford or doesn’t need to do that. Again you find out about these by asking around

💼 – When creating a LinkedIn profile, don’t leave anything to chance. List all your skills and include them within each job and in your About section.

💼 – Look up a job that interests you and make sure you add some of the job’s skills to your profile

Lots of people are willing to help, let them know by as specific as possible.