Search Results
Click any group's name to see more details and their contact information.
- ATD NNJ (Association for Talent Development in Northern NJ) Career Transition
- Thursday
- Virtual
- ATD NNJ (Association for Talent Development in Northern NJ) Career Transition has been created to provide a professional forum for members seeking new career opportunities in Training and Development, Organizational Development, and related disciplines. Meeting are held virtually, second Thursday of every other month. Invitations are sent out when a meeting is scheduled.
- Contact
- Bergen Career Networking Community
- Monday
- Virtual
- The mission of the Bergen Career Networking Community is to create an opportunity for Metropolitan area professionals in various functions and industries build relationships in support of career development. The goal is to help each other expand our professional corporate contacts, exchange resources and ideas, share relevant insights and perspectives in a changing economy. Due... MORE
- Contact
- Bergen FENG – Group 1
- Thursday
- Virtual, In Person
- We are the Bergen County Chapter (NJ) of the Financial Executives Networking Group (FENG). FENG is a networking group of financial executives with over 36,000 members nationwide. Our groups help financial executives enhance their careers through building relationships with others. We help executives who currently work at organizations and who are in between successes. We are currently meeting on the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:30pm via Zoom
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- Bernards Township Library
- Virtual, In Person
- Public Library offering programs for job seekers and small businesses
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- beSure in Jersey City
- Thursday
- Hybrid
- Community-based Business Networking Group
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- beSure in Upper Montclair
- Wednesday
- Hybrid
- Community-based Business Networking Group
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- beSure in Wayne
- Tuesday
- Hybrid
- Community-based Business Networking Group
- Contact
- Bruin Professionals
- Wednesday
- In Person, Virtual, Hybrid
- Bruin Professionals is an Alumni Group of UCLA dedicated to helping people in business. It stems from the UCLA Alumni Association. As recipients of world class education from a California State University, we are dedicated to giving back to the community and sharing the knowledge and status that our public education had given us.
- Contact
- Career Network Ministry – CNM
- Specific Dates
- In Person, Virtual
- f you are unemployed, underemployed, changing careers, returning to the workplace, or just starting your career, Career Network Ministry -CNM is the place for you! Full Description: As one of the largest job search ministries on the East Coast, we have helped thousands of job seekers land their next career opportunity, and we can help YOU!
- Contact
- Career Professional Executives Networking Group (CPENG) Pennsauken NJ Chapter
- Thursday
- In Person, Virtual
- CPENG is a membership based nonprofit organization that provides a forum for members to develop professional relationships and to provide support for business development and professional career transitions through networking, training, volunteer experience and support groups. The culture is friendly and welcoming, and we offer monthly meetings at multiple locations. This specific listing is for the chapter referred to as Pennsauken NJ. Contact:
- Contact
- Weekdays, Saturday
- Virtual, In Person
- Professional Recruiters and Human Resource Professionals offer advice on how to streamline your job search FREE of charge to motivated job seekers.
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- Careers in Transition
- Specific Dates
- In Person
- : Careers In Transition group was founded in 1986. Our mission is to provide support to professionals during times of career transition, and guidance after they land. We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM
- Contact
- CPENG Lehigh Valley, PA Chapter
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- Career Professional Networking Group
- Contact
- Executives in Transition
- Monday
- Virtual
- Join us on the 3rd Monday of the month at 10am for job networking and job search assistance from your peers.
- Contact
- Friday VIP Job Seekers Office hours
- Friday
- Virtual
- 1-hour, virtual "office hours" every Friday from 10-11am ET to help you use LinkedIn to support your job search. Get answers to your LinkedIn questions!
- Great Careers Groups & BENG
- Virtual
- Our 501(c)3 nonprofit mission - To provide career education, resources, support services, and networking connections to individuals, including veterans.
- Contact
- Hillsdale Career Networking Group
- In Person
- We are a networking group for people who are in transition between jobs.
- Contact
- Job Club at the Women’s Center at CCM
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- Virtual speaker series meeting the first Tuesday of each month from 10:30am to 12:00pm. Topics geared towards women re-entering the workforce after an absence.
- Contact
- Job Search Training – JS101
- Weekdays
- Virtual
- Facilitators are typically career counselors, career coaches and trainers who have helped many professionals in career transition. Most JS101 job search trainers have decades of experience in the field and have worked extensively with the unemployed.
- Job Seekers of Montclair
- Wednesday
- Virtual
- A nonprofit organization that provides professional job search programs and valuable networking opportunities to community members who are from a wide career spectrum.
- Contact
- JVS Career Counseling & Placement Job Seekers Group
- Thursday
- Virtual
- Job Seekers, a bi-weekly program at which outside speakers, experts in their field, provide real life, interactive, hands on presentations. Past topics have included “Is Starting Your Own Business Right for You and Safer than a Job?”; “The Art of the Ask: How to Help Networking Contacts Help You”; “LinkedIn for Advanced Beginners”; and “The Art of the Elevator Pitch: Making an Impression in 30 Seconds or Less.” Each of the 25 yearly sessions lasts for approximately two hours.
- Contact
- LifeCareerPivoteers Inc
- Monday, Tuesday
- Hybrid, Virtual, In Person
- Empowering older and/or underrepresented job seekers experiencing the trauma of long-term unemployment with action-oriented strategies and supportive networks
- Contact
- Mass Professional Networking
- Wednesday
- Hybrid
- The mission of the Mass Professional Networking group is to build a great referral network for group members to promote their products and services and entrepreneurship and small business which will drive our future economic success.
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- Monmouth County Division of Workforce Development
- Weekdays
- Virtual
- Job Seeker support group
- Contact
- NJ Job Seekers
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- The oldest continuously operating running job search support group in the US, offering informal, small group discussions allowing deeper focus on particular questions.
- Contact
- Thursday
- Virtual
- The New Jersey Strategic Executives Networking Group (NJ-SENG) is for "C" level executives and their direct reports looking to make meaningful business contacts across all functions and industries. We are currently meeting on the 2nd Thursday each month via Zoom.
- Contact
- North Jersey Chamber of Commerce
- In Person, Virtual
- Our mission is to foster the growth and profitability of our members via a variety of dynamic networking events, educational seminars, cost-saving programs, legislative advocacy, and member-to-member collaborative opportunities.
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- Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP)
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- This is a free network group, for people looking for new opportunities or interested in professional development.
- Contact
- NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG)
- Tuesday or Wednesday
- Hybrid, Virtual
- NSENG ( is the largest job search group in the Midwest with over 9,000 members, 508 of which are landing new jobs in 2021. To take advantage of the free NSENG membership and gain access to 3 free webinar recordings just enter this link in the URL: There are members from all over the country who are willing to share their contacts so that you can more effectively network into your target companies. Here are some of the webinar topics that are addressed by Marty Gilbert: • “30 Ways to Get Unstuck in Your Job Search” • “Maximizing the Value of LinkedIn During Your Job Search” • “How to Beat Age Discrimination During Your Job Search” • “How to Excel During Phone Screens, Zoom & In-Person Interviews” • “How to Network to Your Next Job” • “Building a Resume that Beats the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)” • “Building a target company list & finding key influencers” • “10 Job Search Actions to Take During the COVID-19” • “Resumes Tell but Cover Letters Sell” • “8 Ways to Shorten Your Job Search”
- Contact
- OUTstanding Careers Group
- Thursday
- Virtual
- A safe place for LGBTQ+ professionals to gather and provide peer support to advance their job search and reach job transition goals. This is an opportunity to network with people and to leverage each other's contacts. There will also be a discussion on job searching tips. The vast majority of jobs are found through networking. Come meet some new people and expand your network! Meets virtually on the first and third Thursday of each month 5-6:30pm ET. There is a small fee per session to participate.
- Contact
- Parsippany Troy Hills Public Library System
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Hybrid
- The Parsippany Main Library is the location for many day, evening, and virtual programs that are both library and organization sponsored. In addition to community interest programs, the library has many presentations for entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners. Interested parties are encouraged to become familiar with our events calendar as well.
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- Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County
- Friday
- In Person
- The Professional Service Group of Mercer County is a community program providing networking opportunities and enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths.
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- Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey (PSGCNJ)
- Monday
- Virtual
- PSGCNJ is the nation’s first employment community that helps its unemployed, professional members advance their careers by putting them back into the workforce. PSGCNJ is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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- Professional Services Group Morris County
- Wednesday
- Virtual
- PSGMC was founded to provide a supportive community, training, resources, and volunteering opportunities that enable professionals to find their marketplace value and network into employment.
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- Professionals in Transition
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- Network with other professionals who are out of work or between careers.
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- Ramsey Job Search Work Team
- Monday
- Virtual
- Contact
- Roswell Georgia UMC
- Monday
- Hybrid, Virtual, In Person
- RUMC Job Networking offers six (6) hours of workshops and speakers as well as one-on-one resume review. It is currently a virtual event on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month starting at 1:00 PM Eastern time.
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- Roswell UMC
- Monday
- In Person
- Largest Job Networking venue in US
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- South Windsor Job Search Work Team
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- Online Job Search Work Team in Connecticut
- St. Matthias Employment Ministry
- Monday
- Virtual
- A volunteer-run job search support group in Somerset, New Jersey
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- St. Patrick’s EARN
- Thursday
- Hybrid
- St. Patrick's EARN group helps people in their search for employment.
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- Suffern Professional Networking Team
- Monday
- Virtual
- All volunteer job search support and networking group.
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- Sussex-Warren Human Resource Management Association
- Thursday, Specific Dates
- In Person
- The Sussex-Warren Chapter is a vibrant, award winning chapter that serves HR professionals who live and work in Sussex and Warren Counties and surrounding areas. We offer our members relevant Chapter programming, legislative updates, mentorship, transition support, scholarships, community outreach, volunteer opportunities, and the opportunity to network with member colleagues. We advance the profession through our annual financial pledge to The SHRM Foundation, assisting in the planning of the Garden State Council's Annual Conference, advocating SHRM and HRCI certification, and being a resource for and partnering with local/community organizations.
- Contact
- The Accelerators – Helping You Find A Career
- Virtual
- We are a warm and generous community focused on helping job seekers find jobs and build their networks with job search tips, job opportunities, and guest speakers.
- The Breakfast Club NJ
- Saturday
- In Person
- Where executives of all disciplines: IT, Finance & Accounting, Communications, Human Resources get together with a common focus to assist each other in pursuing new employment opportunities, tackling the challenges of their current positions, and providing a support network to each other.
- The Collective: An Equity & Inclusion Based Resource Community
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- is a LinkedIn weekly group where job seekers introduce themselves to recruiters. Recruiters post open positions and job seekers post the title, industry and location you are looking for.
- The Legacy Builder Program
- Tuesday
- Virtual
- The Legacy Builder Program (founded by helps individuals who are ready to transition into a career that is more meaningful and purpose-driven. We help clients who are certain they want to make a career change but just don't know where to start in finding the right opportunities in less than eight weeks.
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- Union Public Library
- Weekdays
- In Person, Hybrid
- Union Public Library's primary mission is to encourage reading and free access to information and to provide for the educational, recreational and cultural needs of its users. This includes frequent online meetings to help people seeking employment.
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- Unity North Atlanta Career Ministry
- Monday
- In Person
- "Words-to-Work" "You Finally Got an Interview...Don't Blow It!"
- Contact
- Wayne Interfaith Network Group
- Monday
- Virtual
- We have open discussions about job search, networking and LinkedIn. Here's the Zoom link to join us -
- Weekly Lunch and Learn for Job Seekers – Linda Brubaker
- Virtual
- I know job search is hard, so in addition to my coaching services, I offer Job Search Lunch & Learn sessions every Wednesday at 11am CT. Join us for job search tips, tricks and networking. If you've read this far, here's your reward. If you want to join my network, don't just Follow me, Connect! Hit the MORE button. You'll find the option to send a connection request there.
- WNO (Westchester Networking Organization)
- Monday
- Virtual
- The Westchester Networking Organization (WNO) provides a safe environment in which to network across industries, fields and organizations. Members share best practices, experiences and job opportunities.
- Contact